Our Prices

Yeet your business to the world package

Package Price

We know it’s hard to break into the world market. But with Yeet, the whole world is right at your fingertips.

Our service is simple: just pay $399/month for our basic package, and we’ll handle everything else. You’ll get a sleek and professional website with a domain name of your choice (.com domains included subject to availability or we can use the one you currently own), as well as an email address that matches that domain name.

We’ll write all of your content for you—just tell us what kind of language you want us to use, and we’ll get right on it. We’ll even take care of updating your website with fresh content every month so that no one will ever think it’s outdated or boring!

And if you want to go all-in? For an extra $100/month, we’ll also do all the work for your eCommerce site. That includes integrating with PayPal or Stripe so that you can accept payments from customers around the world—and if you don’t want those options, no problem! We’ve got other options for accepting payments too!